Monday 16 June 2014

Please explain!

Well from no post you can guess that nothing has happened! 
Were getting promises that are being broken. 
Broken promises are the beginning of an unstable relationship! 

So no work started on Tuesday or Wednesday or Thursday or Friday or Saturday.... we were told it would start Tuesday/Wednesday and we were prepared for it to start on Wednesday but it didnt happen. The bricklayers were apparently held up from rain from the previous week. So our next day to look forward to was Friday and surprise surprise there was no work done on Friday. Please explain!? We were promised it would start Saturday if the weather held out. Of course the weather didn't... so no work. 

We were very excited for Monday though. We knew it was going to be great weather and so was very frustrated to find out  that the only thing that has happened today was the bricks have been moved around house for them to start the work. But no work done! just prep! All day and that's all they've done!?! 
We were told that this brickie team is a big team and they will get through the bricks we have there in a day but all they've seem to have done is move them around the house. Please Explain?!

The only reasoning i can think of is that they are going to do it tomorrow and more bricks will come as well so they will get 2 batches of brick done in one go. Luckily the weather is good tomorrow too but it if starts to go downhill with weather then they are just delaying it further for us! 

Once again the waiting game...

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