Thursday 28 August 2014

External work Vs Rain

So seems like theres a battle going on with the rain and the external work that needs to get done! The weather has been terrible.. on and off rain throughout the whole day since the weekend! Such bad timing especially when we are so close to getting started on internals.. yet we cant get started because of some small things that need to happen on the outside...

Yesterday they took down the scaffold and it really opens up the house and we get a proper feel of how the house.. its very exciting to see it coming together.. its pretty tall...tomorrow we should get the alfresco and garage roof done tomorrow and thats it! external will be over and time to get started inside.. and that will mean no worry about weather.. it can rain, hail or shine but work better happen!!!


  1. Can't really see it from these photos but would you mind checking if the roof tiles surrounding your feature column leaves any gap? if so, how big are the gaps? Mine is fairly big on one side (4/5 of the width of a tile, the other side is minimal at about 1/5 of the width of a tile) and Rawson has stated that it's normal and they won't do anything about it. The display homes were done with colourbond roof, so there were no gaps around the column.

  2. Around my block there seems to be a gap aswell..:( thanks for pointing it out. We're going to ask our SS about it. I dont think saying its standard is acceptable! its like a hole in the roof! Will get back to you about what our SS says.

    1. I was told colourbond rood can be cut to size. Tiled roof depends on the layout. There's already a piece underneath to stop the rain getting in and because of this they can cut a tile to fit (it won't sit flush and be angled up). Was told it's better to leave it like that then have it uneven. I disagreed and wanted to see what he said about other builds being the same was true or not. Guess he wasn't lying
