Tuesday 29 July 2014

Brick day 33, 34, 35, 36 & 37 - Out of hand!

This whole stage of bricklaying is getting out of and hand and I am so angry and fed up with the bricklayers and the SS!!! 

It seems like everyone's giving us the run around! I'm sick and tired of it! Just because we are the ones stuck in the middle, they feel that they can treat us any way they like. I'm really fed up with our site supervisors! He hasn't kept a single promise he's made regarding the timing of things and now he seems not to care.. 

So the day they left their wheelbarrow behind.. they cam the next day, which was great. That was it for them. They haven't come since! been a week nearly! Doing 2 straight days work is nothing! Our site supervisor who keeps turning dodgy and dodgy everyday! He was saying he'll be going to supervise and check on the bricklayers twice a day... seems like 2 days work is all that he can do too!

I called him today and he said the brickies called Friday evening saying that the bricks have finished so he had to order more hence why the brickies didn't come on Monday.. but if he was checking site twice a day how did he not see that on Thursday? Or Friday? Seems like he's just lying to get out of having to chase the bricklayers.. just excuses it seems! 

Apparently they would come today to put the bricks out to do work.. from what I've seen, seems like no ones been on site..the thing I don't understand is why our site supervisor is not chasing it up? The last time we talked to him, it seems like he had made it clear to the brickies that they need to finish up on our house before going anywhere else.. seems like he cant keep his promise or do his job! 

Apparently they will come tomorrow.. we'll see.. 

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